27 Aug 2024, 11:46

The code is not enough

In my job, I read a lot of code. I read more code than I write. I suppose that’s true for many engineers at the senior level or above.

For instance, a new piece of code integrates with a library, or with another code base, and I want to understand how the integration works. Or I am the supplier of the infrastructure/library/framework and I need to debug someone’s (mis-)use.

  • Why does this not compile?
  • Why does it compile but then crashes on startup with a cryptic error message?
  • Why does it seem to work but then all requests return the same error?


Code is nothing without the corresponding configuration, particularly when you are looking at builds or deployments.

For instance, the code may contain a bunch of #ifdef preprocessor macros. Which of the paths is taken and which one is not depends on the settings of the build. So to understand what’s happening, you need the actual build settings. In the case of autotools, that’s config.status – which also contains a ton of noise, but you can find the list of variables easily enough. Or you look at config.h, which specifically has preprocessor defines.

But that’s not the only type of configuration. When a program is running, its behavior changes based on command-line flags, or the contents of a configuration file. Or some settings (like secrets) are passed in from an environment variable, or looked up in some sort of secret storage.

Sometimes, command-line flags contain a whole configuration message, e.g. a bit of JSON as the flag value. I have seen this in libraries that control authentication requirements – i.e. whether a handler is public, or needs a password, or needs some kind of strong user identity. If you are investigating why no one seems to be able to call your HTTP endpoint, that’s where you need to start.

What and why

The point I was trying to make though is this: when reading code, the two main questions are what and why:

  1. What is the code doing?
  2. Why is it doing it?

I found that you need to understand both aspects to understand some code. As for #1, sure you can start looking at source files in less but you can do better.

I personally find working cross-references super useful. As an example, you see that some code calls AddPeer, and you want to know what it does, so you jump to its definition. That particular function adds an entry to a table. But what uses this table? So you highlight that identifier and look for usages.

Getting cross-references within a code base is not hard. For C code, you can use ctags, which is decades old. Both vim and emacs support these.

The modern approach is an LSP server interacting with your text editor. Neovim for example has LSP support built in, as does VS Code. There are LSP implementations for all sorts of programming languages. For instance, for Go code, there is the excellent gopls.

The second question, the why, is best answered from the history of the code. It is vastly better to read the code with history available – e.g. looking at a VCS checkout rather than an extracted release tarball.

When reading a bit of code, wondering why it is doing a particular thing, you can start from the “blame” or “annotate” layer. Some folks have called the existence of this layer a mistake – I disagree! Here is an example from the NetBSD kernel, an excerpt of the result of running cvs annotate sys/dev/pci/pcireg.h:

1.1          (mycroft  09-Aug-94): /*
1.60         (jakllsch 17-Aug-09):  * Size of each function's configuration space.
1.60         (jakllsch 17-Aug-09):  */
1.60         (jakllsch 17-Aug-09):
1.124        (msaitoh  28-Mar-17): #define	PCI_CONF_SIZE		0x100
1.124        (msaitoh  28-Mar-17): #define	PCI_EXTCONF_SIZE	0x1000
1.60         (jakllsch 17-Aug-09):
1.60         (jakllsch 17-Aug-09): /*
1.1          (mycroft  09-Aug-94):  * Device identification register; contains a vendor ID and a device ID.
1.1          (mycroft  09-Aug-94):  */
1.124        (msaitoh  28-Mar-17): #define	PCI_ID_REG		0x00
1.1          (mycroft  09-Aug-94):
1.3          (cgd      18-Jun-95): typedef u_int16_t pci_vendor_id_t;
1.3          (cgd      18-Jun-95): typedef u_int16_t pci_product_id_t;

It shows who last touched a line and when. You see that adjacent lines might have very different dates!

From this, you can go back to the commit that made the change, look at its log message and the other files that are part of the same commit. If your commit log messages are good, they tell a story. They give the context needed to understand the “why”.


Combining cross-references and a history panel is a great way to read and understand code. Many IDE developers understand this and offer a view just like this.

An exemplary UI for this approach is Google Code Search. For example, look at mutex.go from the Go standard library. All identifiers are clickable and serve as cross-references. The “History” panel at the bottom offers all the commits where something was changed.

A similar web UI (but open source) is OpenGrok. Look at the pcireg.h example in NXR, the NetBSD OpenGrok instance. The file history is a separate page but that works too. What’s nice about OpenGrok is clicking on a revision in this view shows the blame layer at that version, so you can see who edited the line before.

These tools really provide a lot of added value when reading and understanding code. Use them.