05 Aug 2018, 14:43

Working categories

Vacation is a good time for some housekeeping. So I managed to get categories for posts working! In the process, I learned a bit about how hugo works.

Hugo automatically creates so-called taxonomies for tags and categories. The theme I have been using only shows categories in the header itself. And I managed to disable the categories taxonomy in the config file. And I got the syntax for specifying them wrong.

It turns out that the config file is toml and the front matter of posts is yaml, for some inexplicable reason. So the correct syntax for categories is a YAML list:

 - NetBSD
 - Cloud

Hugo will then create pages for each category under /categories, with a filtered list of posts. Click a category on a post below to see it.

Google Analytics disabled

While here, I also got rid of the Google Analytics include (yay data protection!). However, the whole site remains hosted on Firebase Hosting, which is a Google product.